A Healthy Diabetic Diet

What is a healthy diabetic diet I hear you ask? This is a very important question because once diagnosed, as having diabetes this is one of the most important aspects of your life if you want to keep this disease under control.

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the modern western world and this is mainly due to the diet of the modern day person. The likes of fast foods and the microwave meals or out of the tin or freezer meals are the biggest culprits.

When you have just been diagnosed with diabetes this is the ideal time to assess your lifestyle and to sit down and plan a healthy diabetic diet. By paying attention to your diet this will not only control your diabetes but could also
rule out the need to take insulin.

Healthy eating has a threefold affect on you: it controls blood glucose levels, lowers blood lipids (cholesterol) and achieve or maintain a healthy weight. A healthy eating plan for the person with diabetes really should be no different to a normal eating plan that we all should be following. However it is now much more important that the diabetic follows the healthy eating plan.

To achieve a healthy balance it is important that we understand more about the food we are eating and what is good and what is bad. The three main nutrients for our bodies are carbohydrates, protein and fat. A healthy diet will incorporate all three of these, although we require some more than others. It needs to be understood that people with diabetes have a difficult time breaking down carbohydrates in their system.

Carbohydrates once consumed become glucose that fuels our body, the best carbohydrate foods for a diabetic are those rich in fiber, such as wholegrain bread, rice and pasta. Also high fiber cereals, lots of legumes, fruit and of course lots of leafy green vegetables. The lower the GI the better; for more information on the Glycemic Index see my website - resource box has the link. Sugars should be eliminated as much as possible and any foods that contain white flour and/or sugar.

It must be noted that one diabetic plan will not suit and work all diabetics. Each diabetic must test and measure to ascertain what works best for them to manage their blood glucose levels. This does not always mean having to give up your favourite food, just moderate the quantity and how often you eat it. So it is best that the entire eating plan is reviewed and it is best to do this in consultation with a nutritionist who specializes in diabetes.

By following a healthy diabetic diet and taking any prescribed medication you can live a full and normal life span. If you are looking for some healthy recipes check out my blog: http://alison-mckenzie-online.com/blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_Mckenzie

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