The Secret Weapon Against Obesity

While we've been content to use casually use Cinnamon in our daily goings on it has fast emerged as a sleeping miracle spice.

Next time you look at cinnamon don't just think of it as a flavoring for batch of cookies.

Know it as the spice of kings. Did you know that Egyptians used cinnamon over 5,000 years ago to embalm the dead during the mummification process.

Cinnamon was also used as an antiseptic during the times of the Bubonic plague.

Now it is found in our modern age that cinnamon's medical benefits also extend to us.

Cinnamon has been linked with increased memory function, for combating urinary tract infections and yeas infections.

Nature's Secret weapon against Obesity:

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and regulates normal insulin, pancreatic function in those with type 2 diabetes.

People who carry a little more abdominal have a higher risk of becoming type 2 diabetes and chances are they are pre-diabetic where their body becomes less reactive to insulin making them insulin resistant. In fact a bigger belly can indicate type 2 diabetes as this is where the fat tends to be stored in those predisposed to the condition.

People who have added cinnamon to their daily diets have noticed a reduction in their belly fat as well as their blood sugar levels normalizing which was reflected in blood tests.

How can you add Cinnamon to your daily diet?

Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your breakfast oatmeal

Add some to your French toast

Sprinkle some on your coffee or take a teaspoon in your tea.

If you would like to grab my free 14 day eating plan that saw me lose 7 pounds in 14 days with my killer cinnamon oatmeal recipe with a twist, then go here to grab your copy now.

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